"Because of your page, this was the first time I finished the Quran during Ramadan. I can't thank you enough." — M. 

Take Back Control Of Your Imān With The Ramadan Planner.

Focus is the essence of what transforms your faith. Reclaim your faith to experience a Ramadan like never before.


Lives are forever changed through just one Ramadan. What if this one is the one for you?


Our best-selling Ramadan Planner is available now. 


Last year, we sold out before Ramadan.

I bought this to try out after a bit of a struggle with consistency and I am blown away. So much thought has gone into this, and I couldn’t have discovered it at a better time. I actually immediately went to buy the print version because I couldn’t replicate the beautiful pink and gold of the cover, or the packaging. It came with a sewak and a small book of invocations. I really hope you keep coming out with versions every year, because I will be coming back for the 2023 version and beyond. How awesome would it be to refer back to these journals in 10-15 years? Thank you for creating and sharing this wonderful product with the world.


To The Striving Believer,


Reflect for a moment.


Our Ramadans often mirror a cycle, repeating endlessly without true purpose. 


Wake up.

Hit snooze 3 times.

Roll out of bed.

Stare at your phone.

Eat Suhoor.

Wait for Fajr.

Sometimes fall sleep.

School. Work.

5 hours in the kitchen.

Drown in daily tasks.
Rushed prayers.

Occasional Qur'an reading.

Eat Iftar.


Drag yourself to Tarawih.

Scrolling... again.

Pass out.



Does this sound familiar?


How does it make you feel?




Think for a moment.


Isn't it alarming how many of us, even in the blessed month of Ramadan


Feel spiritually disconnected, mechanically performing without tasting the sweetness of faith? 


Focus is the remedy.


Focus is how you break free from the monotonous cycle.


Focus is how you embark on a journey of meaningful worship, stopping the drift towards spiritual emptiness.


Take the first step towards a more conscious worship. 


Your ideal Ramadan awaits.


Seek more this Ramadan.

Limited stock.


The pull to become your highest version.

Do you want for your Ramadan to be more than just a routine, more than just fasting and feasting?

Are you okay with just going through the motions or do you yearn for a deeper, more fulfilling experience?

This is the reality for many of us.


You think you're making the most of Ramadan, but deep down, you feel something's missing.

You don't have a clear plan for spiritual growth. 


So you continue the same unfulfilling practices year after year.

You know this month holds immense blessings, but haven't tapped into its true potential. The current approach to Ramadan isn't enough.

You feel that your Ramadan is lacking in spirit and purpose. Your days are filled with rituals, but the heart is not engaged.


You can see that many around you seem content with this. So you question, "Why don't we strive for more?"

You've felt it before.

The pull.

The call to spiritual greatness.

A silent yearning for a more profound connection with Allah, but not in a superficial sense.

Can you feel it?

Or is your spiritual focus limited by the routine you've settled into? By what you've always known?

You are being called to your highest spiritual self, and the depth of your faith can sense it.

Be prepared.

It will be a transformative journey.

It will require sincerity, sacrifice, and a new understanding of worship.

The Ramadan Planner is how you can find meaning, reinvent your spiritual routine, and create your ideal Ramadan.


Limited stock.

I recently bought a Ramadan planner just days before Ramadan started and my biggest wish now is that I had gotten maybe back in when shaba’an was starting or even before that. This Ramadan planner has been really helpful in keeping me motivated and focused on my purpose for this Ramadan. 


I take my planner with me everywhere and I just love how simple and easy it makes acts of ibadha seem. 

Jazakallah khairan may Allah reward you abundantly for this amazing work that you are doing Ameen

Siham Mohamed


99 questions that are answered in the Ramadan Planner.


Don't just follow what everyone else is doing. Use this time before Ramadan to think about what really matters and get ready for a big month ahead.


1. What is the month of Sha'ban?


2. Why is it named Sha'ban?


3. What are sacred months in Islam?


4. When are our deeds raised to the Lord?


5. How does the month right before Ramadan, Sha'ban, help us get ready for it?


6. What kind of qualities do we attain from fasting?

7. What kind of worship should we do in Sha'ban to start feeling the Ramadan spirit?

8. Can fasting before Ramadan make the actual month easier? How?

9. Why should we start praying more in Sha'ban and not just wait for Ramadan?

10. How can keeping track of our good habits in Sha'ban show us what to do in Ramadan?

11. What daily habits can we change in Sha'ban to make Ramadan more meaningful?

12. Why is it good to fast on certain days in Sha'ban?

13. What goals should we make in Sha'ban for a good Ramadan?

14. How can we track how we're doing during the month of Sha'ban?

Bring a new perspective by understanding the virtues and rewards of fasting. Learn the importance of Ramadan.


15. How important is fasting in Islam?


16. What makes Ramadan unique in Islam?

17. How was the Quran revealed and why is that important?

18. What is Laylat al-Qadr and why is it significant?

19. How can fasting purify my past and guide my future?

20. What happens in the heavens during Ramadan?

21. What reward do we get from performing Umrah in Ramadan?

22. In what ways does fasting serve as a shield?


23. What does Allah promise to those who fast with sincere faith?

24. How does fasting reflect my devotion to Allah?

Have a pocketbook of du'as that help you navigate Ramadan, control emotions, and achieve success in this life and the next.


25. What du'a can I say at the time of breaking the fast?

26. What can I say when someone angers me?

27. What du'a can I say overcoming sadness and anxiety to help me during tough days?

28. What was the most frequently recited du'a by the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم?

29. How can the morning and evening adhkar protect and benefit me throughout the day?

30. What du'as can I recite to start and end my day?

31. What benefits do I get for trusting in Allah's plan?

Don't lose the momentum of Ramadan when you can't fast. You can be as spiritually connected as someone who is fasting.


32. How can I make the most of Ramadan if I'm unable to fast due to illness or menstruation?

33. What types of dhikr can I focus on to stay spiritually engaged when not fasting?

34. How can giving charity during non-fasting days be especially rewarding?

35. In what ways can I practice self-reflection when I'm exempt from fasting?

36. How can I renew my intentions daily to ensure my actions are for Allah, even when not fasting?

37. What are some beneficial dhikr I can make during my non-fasting days?

38. How can I connect with the Quran during non-fasting days?

39. In what practical ways can I give sadaqah when not fasting?

40. What are some acts of worship I can perform at night to feel closer to Allah?

41. How can I use this time to deepen my understanding of Islam and my personal spirituality?

42. What can I do to support others in their fasting and Ramadan goals?

43. What creative acts of kindness can I perform during Ramadan while not fasting?

44. What can I do to feel included in the Ramadan spirit and community even when I'm not fasting?

How to apply Prophetic manners in your daily life and identify foods that help boost your brain, health, and skin health.

45. What should we say at the beginning of a meal?

46. Where on the plate should eat from?

47. What should we refrain from doing when given food?

48. Is it better to eat at a table or on the floor?

49. What does eating together do?


50. What are some Prophetic manners to emulate when eating?


51. What are the benefits of Islamic foods as mentioned in the Qur'an & hadith?


52. What foods can I eat for better skin health?

53. Which foods help boost immunity?


54. I want to lose weight, which foods are low in calories?


55. What should we eat for more energy?


Your past does not define you.  Learn what actions and life events led to who you are today.


56. What bad habits do I do that distance me from Allah?


57. What does Allah say about sinners?


58. Can I still be beloved to Allah if I sin?


59. How will I hold myself accountable if I slip back into a bad habit?


60. How has my faith changed or grown since last Ramadan?

Set yourself up for success. Use Prophetic frameworks to create clarity for your Ramadan.


61. How can I not feel bad about not reaching a goal I set for Ramadan?


62. What's the difference between focusing on intentions vs. the end goal?


63. What steps can I follow so I can get rewards from Allah even if I don't reach my goals?

64. What are some examples of how I can set my Ramadan goals? 

65. How can I seek barakah (blessings) in my actions?


66. How do I place my trust in Allah while working towards my goals?


67. How can I make my du'as more impactful?


68. What can I make du'a about?


69. What are the best times to make du'a?


70. What areas of my life do I need most help with?

This is the month of the Qur'an. If the month of Ramadan passes without our hearts carrying slightly more Qur'an than before, then we are indeed amongst the unfortunate.

71. How can I increase my Quran recitation during Ramadan?

72. What is the significance of completing the Quran in Ramadan?

73. How can I integrate the study of Tafseer into my daily routine?

74. What Surahs can I memorize?

75. How does each letter recited from the Quran benefit me?

76. In what ways will the Quran be an intercessor for me?

77. How will I track my progress in Quran recitation goals?

78. How can I schedule my Quran reading to complete it in 29 days?

79. What if I fall behind my Khatam schedule —how can I catch up?


It's time to focus and execute. This is the launchpad that will keep you focused.


80. How can I efficiently plan my days during Ramadan?


81. How can I track if I was fasting or not?


82. How can I keep track of my prayers?

83. What are proven methods for daily self-reflection and assessment of spiritual progress?


84. How will I balance my worldly responsibilities with increased religious activities?


85. What Sunnah habits can I incorporate throughout the day?


86. What are some fast and easy ways I can increase my knowledge?


87. What different du'as can I read everyday?


88. What is Laylat al-Qadr?


89. Why is the night of Qadr so important?


90. What should we do during Laylat al-Qadr?


91. What should we NOT do during Laylat al-Qadr?


92. How can we take advantage of the Night of Qadr?

Allah the Lord of Ramadan is also the Lord of the whole year. Use the positive shift from Ramadan to keep going for the rest of the year.


93. What can I reflect upon for Ramadan that will help propel me into the best version of myself?


93. How can I remember what happened during the blessed month?


94. What should I say once Ramadan is over?


95. What are some of the sunnah acts of Eid?


96. What du'a can I say to people on Eid?


97. What preparations will make my 'Eid celebration more meaningful and organized?


98. How can I maintain the Ramadan spirit?


99. What can I do to reap more rewards after the month of Ramadan is over?

The Ramadan planner has so much in it to help encourage everyone to get closer to the deen. The designs are also so beautiful and it makes you feel so motivated. My favorite part is the page where it marks the Quran surahs you recite daily in order to finish the whole Quran in the month of Ramadan, it would be so so useful for many!!!



Avoid anxiety, overwhelm, and not knowing what to do during Ramadan.

Ramadan belongs to the one who seeks.


The Ramadan Planner is for souls who want to:


Take back control of your Ramadan so you can find a fulfillment in worship, shed the lower self, and create your ideal future.


Become a productive individual so you have the skill to balance both the dunya and akhirah


Take advantage of the blessings of each moment and learn new prayers and prophetic habits you can apply in daily life


Devote fewer hours yet achieve lofty spiritual heights with disciplined daily practices and a connection to Allah


Preserve a heart free of distraction so you spend less time worrying, more time enjoying a peaceful Ramadan, and remain steadfast while you reach for your Ramadan goals


The Ramadan Planner is available as a physical and digital book.

Limited stock.


One of my friends literally fell to the ground out of happiness. Another one, her goal was to only survive this Ramadan. But after she received your planner, she said that it inspired her to read more Qur'an. All of my friends love it and have been using it. And you know it's good because all of us struggle with laziness yet subhanAllah your planner pushes us sis. May Allah SWT grant you so much good from this amazing initiative, allow your business to flourish and continue to benefit Muslims all around the world. And most importantly, may He SWT accept it from you and us ameen!


Copyright 2024 © Eternah. All rights reserved.

Do you want for your Ramadan to be more than just a routine, more than just fasting and feasting?

Are you okay with just going through the motions or do you yearn for a deeper, more fulfilling experience?

This is the reality for many of us.


You think you're making the most of Ramadan, but deep down, you feel something's missing.

You don't have a clear plan for spiritual growth. 


So you continue the same unfulfilling practices year after year.

You know this month holds immense blessings, but haven't tapped into its true potential. The current approach to Ramadan isn't enough.

You feel that your Ramadan is lacking in spirit and purpose. Your days are filled with rituals, but the heart is not engaged.


You can see that many around you seem content with this. So you question, "Why don't we strive for more?"

You've felt it before.

The pull.

The call to spiritual greatness.

A silent yearning for a more profound connection with Allah, but not in a superficial sense.

Can you feel it?

Or is your spiritual focus limited by the routine you've settled into? By what you've always known?

You are being called to your highest spiritual self, and the depth of your faith can sense it.

Be prepared.

It will be a transformative journey.

It will require sincerity, sacrifice, and a new understanding of worship.

The Ramadan Planner is how you can find meaning, reinvent your spiritual routine, and create your ideal Ramadan.


Ramadan belongs to the one who seeks.


The Ramadan Planner is for souls who seek to:


Take back control of your Ramadan so you can find a fulfillment in worship, shed the lower self, and create your ideal future.


Become a productive individual so you have the skill to balance both the dunya and akhirah


Take advantage of the blessings of each moment and learn new prayers and prophetic habits you can apply in daily life


Devote fewer hours yet achieve lofty spiritual heights with disciplined daily practices and a connection to Allah


Preserve a heart free of distraction so you spend less time worrying, more time enjoying a peaceful Ramadan, and remain steadfast while you reach for your Ramadan goals


The Ramadan Planner is available as a physical and digital book.

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The Ramadan planner has so much in it to help encourage everyone to get closer to the deen. The designs are also so beautiful and it makes you feel so motivated. My favorite part is the page where it marks the Quran surahs you recite daily in order to finish the whole Quran in the month of Ramadan, it would be so so useful for many!!!


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I bought this to try out after a bit of a struggle with consistency and I am blown away. So much thought has gone into this, and I couldn’t have discovered it at a better time. I actually immediately went to buy the print version because I couldn’t replicate the beautiful pink and gold of the cover, or the packaging. It came with a sewak and a small book of invocations. I really hope you keep coming out with versions every year, because I will be coming back for the 2023 version and beyond. How awesome would it be to refer back to these journals in 10-15 years? Thank you for creating and sharing this wonderful product with the world.
